

Play against the Bank
Mechanic:Place Bet
Roll 2d10
Subtract10 from the Result
Add your Gambling Skill
If the Result is above 0: Percentual Win
If the Result is 0 or below: Lose
Example:Bet: 100cr
Roll Result [4] and [3] = 7
Subtract 10: 7 – 10 = -3
Add Gambling (Skill of 74): -3 + 7 = 4
Result above 0: True -> 40% Win -> 140cr Won
Play against other Players
Phase 1: LuckDecide a Bet, every Player hast to pay to participate
Each Player rolls 1d10 for „Luck“
Player with the highest Luck-Roll adds the lowest Luck-Roll to his Pool.
Phase 2: SkillEach Player rolls 1d10 and adds the Gambling Skill.
The Player with the Luck also adds this to the Result
Example: Luck PhasePlayer 1 rolls a 7
Player 2 rolls a 5
Player 3 rolls a 10
Player 3 wins the Luck and adds 5 to the Score
Example: Skill PhasePlayer 1 rolls 4 with a Gambling Skill of 62 -> Score of 10
Player 2 rolls 8 with a Gambling Skill of 10 -> Score of 9
Player 3 rolls 2 with a Gambling Skill of 44 -> Score of 6
Player 3 adds the Luck-Roll -> 6 + 5 = 11
Player 3 Wins
Slot Machine
Mechanic:Place Bet
Roll 3d10
Gambling allows for Dice-Rerolls20: 1 Reroll
40: 2 Rerolls
60: 3 Rerolls
80: 4 Rerolls
100: 5 Rerolls
Winning System:The Goal ist to form a Pattern.

Jackpot: [10] [10] [10] -> 100x Payout
Match: [1] [1] [1], [5] [5] [5] etc. -> 10x Payout
Row: [1] [2] [3], [6] [7] [9] etc. -> Percentual Payout (Example: A Skill of 62 gives a 62% Win)
Example:Bet: 1000cr
Roll Result: [1] [3] [10]
Skill: 42 -> 2 Rerolls allowed
Reroll the [10] -> [6]: No Win
Reroll the [6] -> [2]: Row of [1] [2] [3]: 1000cr * 1.42 = 1420cr